Luisa baptista on Age and Profession


Luisa Baptista is an Olympic athlete from Brazil who has achieved great success in her sport both in and out of the pool. Born in Sete Brazil, Baptista earned a swimming scholarship to the University of Miami where she became a member of the swim team where she was a four time all-around champion. After earning a master’s degree in swimming at the university, she joined the national team for the first time in 2021. It was then that Baptista made her first Olympic team selection.

Luisa Baptista started competing in triathlons when she turned twenty-two years old. After becoming a successful competitor, she decided to switch careers to become a triathlete rather than focus on one particular discipline. In an interview with Corinotto, she admitted that being a triathlete gave her the same kind of workout as if she were swimming but with fewer risks. This was a wise choice, because as a triathlete, she is risking more than swimming alone or by herself. Being a triathlete allows her to be in the field as early as seven minutes before the other competitors are ready.

When comparing her life as a professional athlete as it is compared to her life as a professional golfer, one can easily draw the conclusion that the latter is more enjoyable. It should also be noted that it was her decision to go into the sports of golf and to train solely in that sport that led to her achievements in those disciplines. Being a professional swimmer puts her in the same circle as the likes of Carl Lewis, Michael Jordan, Gold medal winner during the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta and Hollywood starlets like Angelina Jolie, Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that there is no difference in her career path as compared to these other celebrity sports personalities.
