Looking Back At The 1983 Fashion Trends


The year 1983 Fashion Trends came about, the major thing that happened was that women wanted to look more feminine and they wanted to dress better. They started making fashion statements by wearing brighter clothes, using bold colors, and having less caked on wrinkles. The year before, no one would have ever guessed how incredibly popular the Mini skirts would be or how many crazy colors that women wanted to wear. All of these things happened in the span of just two years.

After the fashion for the mini skirt hit the scene, women all over the world had to take stock of their lives and figure out what they wanted to do with their looks. Everything from the jeans that they wore to the shoes that they wore, everything had to change in order for women to look better and stay looking better. This was not only a time for the world of fashion to change, but also it was a time that women became more involved in world politics as well. People were beginning to take notice of how the women of this era dressed, and this created a sense of patriotism for many women.

Fashion was an important part of the world of business for many women throughout the years. In the past, women were not as involved with fashion as they are today. However, with the introduction of clothing lines such as Von Dutch, Fendi, and Christian Dior, women have become more involved in the process. With the introduction of movies such as Spy, Pretty Woman, and the Sarah Jessica Parker movie called Spouse, more women are taking fashion more seriously.
