Lisa Oduor-Noah – Partner of Nationality Number Four


Known as the “Brides of Kenya” because her parents were British, Lisa Oduor-Noah was born in 1981 in Mombasa, Kenya. At the age of eight, Lisa was already a well known figure in the country, having been touted as the first female player in the world of soccer and even considered for the position of goalkeeper, which she eventually won. After that, she became known to the rest of the world through her role as one of the pioneers of “Moby” – a successful and well-known company in Kenya that promotes sports. Later on, she became known as the Nationality’s first lady.

Lisa Oduor-Noah is described by some sources as the most beautiful woman in Africa, with an enviable height that makes others sit up and take notice. She is also said to be a passionate and vivacious personality, and is known to be the Nationality’s lovemaker. However, some sources also have her described as being a bit domineering and described as having more of an American accent. It’s no wonder then that a profile picture from her company shows her leaning against a tall, muscular man. In one photo, it looks like she might be trying to push him away.

The sad reality is that Lisa Oduor-Noah may not be able to keep hold of her own personal style for very much longer. This is a sad state of affairs, since it is hard to imagine any woman who would turn down the offers being thrown at her by a host of high-powered men. For those ladies who are born with such beautiful genes, it is likely they will be known for the rest of their lives, being offered their dream jobs, their dream cars, and all things in between. But for the rest of us, it may be better if we just accept that life happens and adapt rather than fighting it.
