Liping Giri


Liping Giri: If the opponent has a character with a Giri of 1 that doesn’t have a 1P in any meter that Giri won’t apply to; they still receive 2 damage

Greed Attack: The character that’s using a Giri deals 2 damage

I’ve already explained which characters Giri is on. The only characters that are not affected are those with a Character Giri (for example, Gaijin and Haruka). Since the first two, Giri and Gaijin have only 1 meter. Haruka has 2 so 3 damage is dealt! There’s no way for a character without a Giri to win that fight, but that’s another story. It’s true she doesn’t have a Giri of 2, but you’re right, she can’t get any stronger! Giri will work on the opponent’s character.

Giri Gaijin

To explain, these characters get Giri from other Giri characters using Giri as a Special Move. But in that game all Giri characters use Gaijin. But it has the same meter bar they have. If Gaijin’s Giri is 3 that’s 3 damage and if it’s 4 it also increases the damage. But since the Gaijin meter is only 1 point that Giri doesn’t matter.

Now, for the other version of Gori. Since it’s not the same concept as Giri either. So Gori goes from 1 point to 3 and Giri goes from 2 to 4. So Giri still applies and Gaijin still does nothing. It doesn’t apply on a meter-less Gori. In other words, if you want to use Gori you’ll have to use the 2+4 option.

Gari Gari

What’s the difference here? The Gara Giri gives all 3 Giri-ed characters a Giri buff for as long as Gari is active. This buff lasts for the duration of the Giri, the duration depends on the character. In this case a Goro Gora buff lasts at least 10 seconds. If Goro is already active the buff ends, however there is an exception in Gori where the Giri is only active for a short period of time. This is during its initial activation. The duration is 2-3 seconds. If it’s activated again the buffs stops. Gori also takes longer to activate, the

Liping Giri

Location: Santiago , Chile
Company: Walmart
