Life’s a Pleasure by Caroline Seufele


DescriptionA tall, elegant and smiling German national, Caroline Scheufele has a very strong personality that is evident in her many works of art. Born as Carolene in Pforzheim in 1960, she is now an established artist in her late thirties. A famous painter and writer, Scheufele’s works often focus on the theme of love and marriage, as they are to many other works. In her most famous painting, entitled Winter Gardens, Scheufel depicts a series of white and blue flowers in a wooded landscape. Although this piece is one of her most popular paintings, it is also one of her least well-known, perhaps for this very reason. Born as Carolene in Germany, she was actually born as Sterff, a nickname for her father, and was adopted in France where she grew up.

CareerA career as an artist followed, eventually, to teaching at the University of Geneva. From there, Scheufele went into interior design in Basel, Switzerland before becoming artistic director of Chopard, one of the world’s most prestigious jewelers and watchmakers, in Paris. It is this highly regarded position that allowed Scheufele to develop her own unique style, which has led to her many achievements in the field. She served as artistic director of Chopard for fifteen years, from 1971 until 2021, and held the post of artistic director of both Chopard and Basel before that.

RatingThe most recent artwork to feature on the Life’s a pleasure list, which rate celebrities according to their popularity, Scheufele comes in at number 34. Considered ahead of celebrities such as Prince William and Sir Michael Caine, she is one of a new breed of European contemporary artists who have achieved considerable success within the last decade or so, thanks largely to her role as a contemporary artist in London. She has received numerous awards for her work across Europe, with her pieces frequently being exhibited at major exhibitions and other events.
