Latest and Current Fashion Trends in Nairobi


Latest and Current Fashion Trends in Nairobi

The latest and current fashion trends in Nairobi are taking over the city for the second consecutive year. Nairobi was selected by CNN as one of the top ten fashion destinations in the world to visit in 2021. This is largely due to the huge amounts of money that the city has been able to attract both domestic and international investment in terms of both businesses and shopping malls.

Fashion conscious Kenyans is constantly looking out for ways of keeping up with what is happening around them both locally and abroad. This is evident in both the large amounts of women who dress both casually and formally in Nairobi’s many shopping malls, as well as the huge amounts of money that people pour into clothing outlets every year. Kenya is no stranger to the fashion, but it has traditionally been regarded as more of an American or European culture. However, it has slowly been changing in the last few years. This is particularly true with respect to the ever growing number of women who are choosing traditional Masai weaving materials such as lehenga, chiffon, and kuda-kuda to make up their attire.

In terms of men, Nairobi is also enjoying a new degree of popularity as the world becomes more familiar with their multi-tasking, multi-cultural culture. The current fashion trends in Nairobi in this respect are very different to that seen a few years ago. Men have been wearing western-style suits and western-style trousers for quite some time, but now they are also wearing trendy sports jerseys and tracksuits. It seems that the once “gentlemen” of the streets have also been bitten by the fashion bug as these same men proudly flaunt their flowing, billowy robes.
