Lara Durance


Lara Durance is a fictional character created and designed by Bruce Hecker. In this game, the player takes the role of the elite Private Investigators called as Partners in Crime. The game character is a member of the highest governing crime squad called as the Special Police Force. The job of the partner in crime is to serve as an operative embedded within the National Investigation Agency known as the S.P. This assignment is a top priority of both the government and of the private agencies for security within their jurisdictions. The mission of the character in this game is to find and stop the notorious terrorist organization called the Triad whose main target is to destabilize the governments of America and Europe.

In order to be a partner in crime, one has to meet the basic requirements such as good height and an impressive physique. Apart from this requirement, other qualities such as good eyesight, athletic ability and proficiency in the use of firearms are also necessary for the player to be chosen as a partner for investigation assignments. In fact, one can also choose to play as a female character in this game that comes with a few extra benefits such as the chance to be rescued by the FBI agents and a special mission that allow you to choose your partner for a specified duration.

Despite her stunning looks, female character in this game is not as busty as male characters. For this reason, the player should select their partner according to their height and body build. The character’s hair color is also important since the hair color will help the players to easily identify the gender of the character. Other than being fit and agile, as a player plays games with this heroine, she also possesses the intelligence level of an average college student. The overall appearance of the Lara Durance promotes a positive body image, which can only be good for a girl as she strives to become a perfect agent in the private investigation industry.
