Kim Alena, Professional Athlete, Climbing Excellence


With Kim Alena, there seems to be such a mix of ethnicity and nationalities. She is tall, athletic and a great personality and that is a very good combination. It is hard not to feel comfortable around her, as she exudes confidence which is infectious. A tall, athletic woman with a great personality is a wonderful way to start a relationship for any woman who is looking for a great partner who shares similar interests, loves the same movies, sports or even enjoys the same clubs or games as the individual does.

Kim Alena has been known to be tall since her early teens, so her height advantage over taller women should be enough to begin a relationship that makes you feel confident, cherished and wanted. Tallness alone isn’t everything though, if your best feature is your eyes then height can actually work against you if you aren’t talented with the eye contact. That is why the best way to build a relationship is by having an excellent sense of eye contact. Make sure that you are always trying to make others feel interested in what they are saying. People are naturally attracted to people who are attractive in some way, shape or form.

So if you are looking for a tall woman then Kim Alena is definitely not your only choice. Her amazing height combined with the amazing sense of eye contact she has means she is not limited by her height. Height may only be a small part of the whole package but it can be one of the most important aspects if you want to create that enduring aura of attraction. Make sure that you do everything you can to make sure that your partner notices the great qualities about you that are greater than your height. Use height as a tool to help build a lasting relationship because when you combine it with a great personality, you will have everything you need for a great long term relationship with someone special.
