Keeping Up With Zooey Deschanel’s Latest 500 Days of Summer Dress Up Blog


Zooey Deschanel is a young adult author who writes children’s books. Her book, 500 Days of Summer is geared towards a younger audience and features many of the same trends that she has published in her other books. One of the most popular styles in this book is the zebra print, which gives a nice sleek edge to your casual ensemble and provides you with some versatility. I’ve worn these with a t-shirt and leggings on many occasions and they work great. You can use them interchangeably when you’re planning a layered look for the day. The other trend that she focuses on in her book is beachy style dresses.

I’ve worn a few different styles in the past, but nothing compared to what Zooey does in this book. Her style involves a combination of beachwear, denim shorts and cute little cardigans with a colored pattern on the front. It’s perfect for the hot summer weather and it really makes you feel good about yourself when you know you can wear clothes that you’ve already looked at online or in magazines without having to spend a fortune. Zoosy Deschanel tells you exactly how to accessorize your wardrobe with these cool and casual designs but doesn’t try to make your outfit too complicated or difficult to wear.

She breaks down the different things you need to have on hand, such as shoes, beach gear, hair accessories, hats, mittens, and even makeup if you want to use it. Each time you wear a new summer dress, you should use a different color depending on whether it’s day or night, what you’re going for with your outfit, and what time of year it is. For example, if you’re going to a concert in the middle of winter, wear a darker shade of lipstick than you would if you were just going down to the pool. These tips and tricks to help you create great looking wardrobe combinations that match every occasion. You will find that Zooey Deschanel 500 Days of Summer will keep you from ever searching for new wardrobe ideas again.
