Kate Winslet – Height Difference Or Personality Difference?


Kate Waugh has been compared, by some, to Australia’s own Qantas but, really, she is more of an American. Born in San Diego, Kate Waugh is an American by birth. She is of Irish and German descent, according to public records. But whether she is truly of Irish descent is not in dispute because, as far as ancestry goes, she is a direct product of the Irish influence in America, both hereditary and adopted.

Kate Waugh’s parents were both born in Ireland, but she claims to have spent her entire life in America, and to this day is very proud of her heritage. Her grandparents on the other hand were originally from what is now Pakistan. Kate’s American husband, Robert Wurzelbacher, says that Kate was not only very sweet in person but also quite accomplished and athletic in sports – something that paid off in her chosen field. “She excelled at volleyball and tennis,” he said. “I was her coach for many years.”

Of course, Kate’s height advantage comes from genetics and not from being an exceptionally good athlete. She was a quick study and achieved a high degree of success in academics, before she began her writing career. She earned a master’s degree in history before joining the artistry business. After years in that profession, she pursued a writing career and published many books during her career, some of which were made into motion pictures. Kate’s partner, Robert, said that she had been often approached to do movies or television work after her own writings but that she declined each time because she felt she still had much to offer in the way of an author.
