Kate Speer, Partner of Mark Speer


Kate Speer was found dead in her New York apartment on Valentine’s Day. She was thirty-nine years old and a trained professional in the field of paralegal. Neighbors reported that she was out late the night before. Kate, a graduate of De La Salle-College in Connecticut, had just recently moved to New York City. Prior to her death, Kate and her husband, Mark, had been struggling financially, and Kate had been trying to save enough money to make payments on their home.

Friends and family described Kate as a caring, giving person who was extremely dedicated to her children. She adored her family and friends and was very close to her mother and stepfather. Neighbors said that Kate was often seen outside her home with her dog walking. Those who knew her expressed that she was always ready and willing to help anyone who needed it. In addition to being a loving and caring wife and mother, Kate was also an accomplished professional, working as a paralegal and writing in her personal journal.

Friends and family described Kate as a caring and giving person who was extremely dedicated to her family and friends. She adored her family and friends and was very close to her stepfather and mother. Neighbors reported that Kate was often seen outside her home with her dog walking. Those who knew her said that she was always ready and willing to help anyone who needed it. In addition to being a loving and caring wife and mother, Kate was also an accomplished professional, working as a paralegal and writing in her personal journal.
