Kate Langbroek – A Legendary Names In Theatre


Known as the Queen of Australia, Kate Langbroek rose to fame in the 1960s as the host of a popular TV show that spoke about the lives of older women. Her Rise to Fame has given her many awards including the Walkley prize for her contribution to television. Today, Kate is recognized for her performance as a director, writer, producer and actress in more than forty films and numerous theatre plays. Her notable roles include appearances in movies such as Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Love Actually as well as television programs such as Kung Fu and Heroes. Kate Langbroek also serves as an expert consultant on media production and has written several books on the topic.

Kate Langbroek began her acting career in what was then called the British film industry and it was here that she would be known by the name Kate Langbroek. Over the years, Kate Langbroek has developed a style all her own, which has been characterized by strong female characters that are dignified and deeply interested in their social and cultural surroundings. This is a distinctly different take on the glamorous life of modern day Australia. Kate Langbroek stands at the vanguard of Australian theater today as one of the most respected and distinctive voices in contemporary Australian theater. She has managed to weave an entire persona that is very much part of everyday life for the modern woman. Kate Langbroek was named one of the 50 most influential people of the century by Time Magazine.

Kate Langbroek epitomizes what the definition of a strong, talented, socially conscious, and genuinely nice woman should be. As she has proven time and again, the definition of the strong woman has never been more clear than when examining Kate Langbroek’s accomplishments and actions over the course of her long and colorful career as an artist, writer, actress, and producer. For anyone who seeks a role as an icon of an identity movement, the United States of America is the perfect choice. Kate Langbroek epitomizes what an individual can achieve after achieving their true calling. Her achievements are truly legendary.
