Juliana Santiago – Nationality and the Height Issue


The Juliana Santiago is a Nationality, a very popular name for a woman. She has been a steady presence in the modeling and entertainment field for over a decade and has worked with some of the top talent in Hollywood. She has been able to maintain her reputation and level of fame for the duration of her career, and has managed to keep in close contact with some of the key personalities in Hollywood.

There is little doubt that it was her extremely tall frame that helped to launch her career. The amazing thing about this is that she maintained a high profile and never allowed her height to be an issue for her profession. Her looks are not a part of her career, but what is most impressive is her courage in carrying herself and her love of people. Her courage in accepting her challenge and moving forward in her chosen profession is admirable in itself. Her ability to look beyond the stereotypes of what a model should look like, and persevere, are truly inspiring.

There is no wonder that people associate the term nationality with a certain occupation or dress sense. We live in a world where beauty is considered a virtue and a woman’s height is considered to be representative of her age and sexuality. It would seem that Juliana Santiago represents the new definition of nationality. Cultivating her nationality within the profession of modeling is a great example of womanhood and courage.
