Jay Thakur


Jay Thakur as Ararang.

The production started on April 16 last year and was completed by December last, reports The Times of India. The first movie will hit screens on the 25th April.

Aarang will be directed by Shamsul Hasan of Aarang.

The film’s release was confirmed by Rajmesh Shah who is also part of the production. In a statement on his Twitter, he told, “Ararang is an ambitious adventure that sees the unique story of a young Muslim boy growing up with a Hindu grandmother. A story that was a part of my life growing up.”

This year a number of films were being made by MJP that had been based on Pakistani stories. It’s interesting to see that the first movie produced from those two themes is going to be created in India.

Let’s hope this is the beginning of more films that share these two themes of faith and family.

Also reads: Pune-based filmmaker Suneet Ghatak has created a film based on Kashmiri mythological tale, ‘Namkal’

Let us know who you thought was the best of the bunch in the comments section below.

Jay Thakur

Location: Jakarta , Indonesia
Company: Accenture
