Isabelle Net Worth – Why She is One of the Richest Women in the World


In this third part, will talk about the biography of world famous personality Isabelle Tuchband de Assun. Isabelle Tuchband was born and raised in Taubat, Brazil during 1968. The birth date of Isabelle Tuchband is September 3. Her life span is very long, with some famous men in her life like Mario Savoiu as her lover and husband, Carlos Eduardo Ribeiro, Joao Vasco DaRosa as her partner and later on, Carlos Aleardi as her step-father. Throughout her adulthood, she went to Peru, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile, Venezuela and Columbia.

Through her career in modeling, photography and acting, she developed the interest in computers and the Internet. In the late 80s, she was very interested with the new technology, computers and the Internet. In her bio-book called “Guerra do Guerra”, she said that she wanted to be rich, famous and happy by creating her own business, but still retaining her Brazilian nationality. In the early months of working online, she met and became good friends with Joao Vasco DaRosa, who introduced her to computers. From there, the two worked together on a regular basis and in the early months of this new relationship, they made plans to meet up with some of the most famous people in the world, such as Carlos Eduardo Ribeiro, Mario Savoiu, and Carlos Aleardi.

In the end, these meetings helped them create a computer animation called “Cidade do Ticos”. This animated film was meant to be shown at the Television Festival in Brazil. With this short film, they hoped to attract more people to their website. So far, it has become one of the most popular animated films of all time. In her bio-book called “Relationships: A Lifetime of Love” Isabelle Net Worth mentions that the two of them are still friends, despite the fact that they parted ways years ago.
