Isabela Tofoli


Isabela Tofoli is an Indian actress, model, and singer who have gained fame in the US for her appearances on popular television shows such as Smallville, The Mentalist, Psych, and countless others. She is an American citizen by birth but has chosen to live in Italy since she was a child. She is thirty years old and a naturalized US citizen according to US immigration laws. She was married to musician and director Mario Balanchine in 1996 and the two wed in 2021. Her Italian husband’s family lives in New York City.

Isabela Tofoli’s public life is filled with issues and legal battles. She has been married three times and claims to have never been married outside of lawful marriage according to court records in the US. Her first marriage to Mario was annulled by the courts in January of 1994 because it was considered null and void by the judge because of the bride’s marriage to another man six months prior. In her second marriage to Balanchine, the marriage was declared invalid in December of the same year, also citing the same reason as the first.

After being married to Balanchine for two years, Tofoli filed for divorce in November of 2021. According to her own father, Mario Tofoli, she only wants to return to her own homeland to be with her own people. She has been repeatedly denied citizenship by the Italian government based on her false claim of nationality through her marriage to Balanchine. Because of this and several other reasons, she applied for and was granted citizenship by the US government. Currently, Isabela Tofoli is a naturalized US citizen. She is listed on the rolls of the Ethnic Minorities in the United States of America as “Hispanic, Hispanic Nationality” and is thus a US Citizen by birth.
