Isabela Quintes Height and Nationality


Isabela Quintes, the 37-year-old actress from Spain who was once known as Gong Lin and is now recognized for her international acting career, has finally found a national role that suits her best. Having been cast as the lead in the new Korean movie “The Man From Hong Kong” with its fantastic portrayal of a Chinese national, Isabela has become a hot name worldwide. She plays the role of a powerful China femme who rises to be a celebrity status after falling out of love with an American agent. Playing different characters throughout her career, she has grown to become one of the leading women actors in Hollywood.

Being a professional actor, it has been her experience of being cast as various different kinds of roles that has made her rise to fame. Working with a number of different nationalities in different films has also given her a diverse resume that is very common amongst female actors in Hollywood today. Having played different characters during her early years, her choice of choosing to focus on her own nationality, while working in Hollywood, only served to strengthen her acting skills, as she has managed to make people understand the full scope of her acting skills.

Age is one of the factors that greatly affects the kind of roles one can choose to be seen in. With her stunning height and nationality, it is not surprising that she is being cast as a leading character in a movie aimed at women, such as the new Korean film “The Man From Hong Kong”. Although not very tall in stature, Isabela is presented as a strong and confident personality throughout the film due to her ability to overcome her physical limitations. Her choice of nationality is a factor that helps to lend some realism to her character, as many movies cater for the popular nationalities of their characters. This is another reason why movies targeted at women will usually have very good opening slots next to good opening weekends.
