Isabel Liv – The Long awaited Love of a Lifetime


Isabel Liv is the latest celebrity to get married in a foreign country, and it was a very good choice. She met her husband while they were both studying abroad in London. When she graduated from university, she decided to travel the world to find a new life. She ended up spending six months in Africa and discovered a new culture. It was then that she realised she wanted to get married, but her family wanted her to stay within England. Not willing to live in England for ever, she decided to give up her American citizenship and get a British passport so that she could travel freely.

Of course, most people know about Hollywood stars and their relationships with foreign actors, but Isabel Liv, like many other celebrities, went through a hard time when it came to finding a foreign national to marry. In theory, you could go to an international marriage agency and pick your spouse from a variety of different countries, but this rarely happens. The truth is that most international marriages these days take place within the United Kingdom or the Netherlands, where there are many British, Dutch or other nationalities living and working together. Isabel Liv’s husband was from Spain, so she chose Spain for their wedding.

This experience taught her a lot about herself and her own views on immigration, which she carries with her to her present-day life. Although today, with the internet and World Wide Web, you can look for a Spanish national to marry very easily, it isn’t always so easy to get in touch with someone who lives in Britain. Today, you can do a search online to find local Spaniards and then email them or phone them to find out more information. It would be even easier if you knew where to look for the person you were searching for! So, if you’re interested in getting married outside of your own country, then check out the international options.
