Isabel Freese Height Really an Issue?


Isabel Freese was a contestant on season 7 of the reality show, “Survivor” on the Discovery channel. She is currently appearing on another one of the popular reality television shows, “The Amazing Race.” The show was a spin-off from the original “Survivor” series, which followed the journey of the other finalist, Kenleville. The show features racers with various average heights who compete in the elimination races throughout the season.

Recently, many have speculated that Ms. Freese’s height is an issue for the public. It seems that people assume that if someone is naturally short they are not very attractive or glamorous. Many articles have been written about this topic and the consensus seems to be that her height does not play a role in her attractiveness or personality. In fact, some people commented that it is simply hard to find someone that would not want to date Ms. Freese. Regardless of whether or not a person finds Ms. Freese attractive, their opinion could change if they found out that she is also a brunette.

There are many theories about why an attractive person can be considered unattractive. One of those theories centers around the idea that people assume that a person that is shorter than they think they would be is less attractive. In addition to looking at Ms. Freese, we can also look at our personal concepts of what constitutes an attractive person. We often assume that someone who is shorter than we expect they would be is less than we think they should be. The public often makes these generalizations and as a result, many women who are considered very attractive are categorized as being shorter than they really are. This type of treatment of public personalities can often cause people to see the less attractive in others instead of seeing the more attractive.
