Is There a Catch With Marriage in Spain Between Two Persons of the Same Height?


The heights of Isabela Vila are definitely not limited to a pair of stiletto high heels. She is a dancer, actress, model, and singer who has been able to establish her own name in the fashion industry, thanks to her numerous roles in Hollywood blockbuster films. Her first major role came in the 1986 film, Carmen Sandiego, as the spunky Mexican waitress that was known for her hulking size and powerful stance. Since then, Vila has gone on to appear in such memorable films as Behind the Curtain (1990), Tin Cup (2021), and Brides (2021).

However, the question inevitably stands…is there a catch? Is there a chance that Vila might still be eligible to be married to her husband, Rico LaCava, despite being two feet taller? According to Spain’s Civil Code, the marriage within Spain is forbidden unless both parties are of the same nationalities. It is also important to note that while all civil codes apply, the Civil Code of Spain is most commonly known as the Napoleonic code due to its extensive interpretation and legacy. As such, the exact scope and implications of Spain’s marriage laws are somewhat different from other European Union countries or even neighboring Latin American countries.

The bottom line is that there is no law which says that an individual with an Hispanic or Spanish national identity automatically has the same rights and protections under the law that everyone else has. In fact, several of the same laws that existed centuries ago still exist today, making it clear that height difference does not need to play any role in the institution of marriage in Spain. If you are considering getting legally wed in Spain, it is important to know and understand the differences between your nationality and your partner’s nationality.
