Is Maria Masoud A Celebrity?


Maria Masoud, a Canadian national, has been portrayed as an icon in the world of fashion. A famous and much sought-after model, she has been an active participant in the art of modeling for many decades. Born in Lebanon, where her family was originally from, she came to Canada when she was young and spent many years living in New York City as a child.

Today, Maria Masoud is an entrepreneur with a large and successful cosmetics company. She has been an innovator in the field of beauty, particularly in the field of makeup artistry, and holds various titles throughout the industry, including “Icon of Modern Beauty” at teatime recognition party held in Toronto in 2000. However, there are certain similarities between Maria Masoud and several other well-known models, all of whom have a strong connection to their country of nationality and descent. All of these women have achieved great success in their chosen profession and all have achieved fame throughout the world.

Like other models, the uniqueness of Maria Masoud lies in her height. At 5′ 8″, she stands just over two feet tall, making her the fourth shortest model of all time. However, her stature does not end there, as many people will attest to. She has also won the heights of stardom as being the tallest ever to pose for a French magazine cover, as well as the second highest paid supermodel. This makes her one of the few supermodels who can safely be considered a “celebrities,” as her status as a global icon has proven.
