Is Eliana Budd’s Height Advantageous?


When Eliana Borges, the world famous writer was looking for her first literary contract, she used her real name only. However, it would seem that this was a wise decision on her part considering that people in the literary world can be very snobbish and expect certain things from their clients, and this also applies to one with whom they are romantically involved. I know this personally, having had two of my partners in the past have been born within four months of each other. The difference is that I am not writing about any of them and this is just my personal experience. However, if you are not comfortable with the idea of using your real name when working in a professional setting then by all means do so.

Another thing that might deter you from wanting to date Eliana during her height of fame is her height. As it turns out, Eliana is well over six feet in height, which is quite an impressive figure. However, we should not focus too much on this, because many tall people have done what we do not: get a reading done by a professional. Anyway, if you are interested in Eliana then you will have to at least put up with her being a bit taller than you, and I’m sure that you would not mind. After all, most people would not mind if a tall person with considerable literary talent was dating them, as long as they knew that their height could not detract from their ability to write well.

If you are a tall person who is interested in dating Eliana, your best bet is to arrange a meeting with her, where you can gauge her abilities for yourself. You should ask her out for a short time and see how you like the person, whether you find her attractive or not. In fact, it is probably better if you do not try to look too good, as you should have come to expect to look good anyway, so it is not necessary to put on a show. After all, if you do not enjoy yourself then you will never be able to tell if you are really dating a professional or not.
