Is Dana Wilson American?


There is a question in the back of my mind since the inception of time that has bothered me: is Dana Wilson American? I know that we are all proud of our heritage and by instinct I do not feel like I should argue with anyone about it, yet I still would like to know. The Nationality Department records seem to have the data on all born in the United States of America as American but there seems to be no entry for Dana Wilson. So I went to her public records and checked them out; no records found there either.

The other question that I have is whether or not she is a Nationality? I have seen arguments from those who believe nationality should be a factor when considering an individual’s origins, yet others are adamant that height or nationality should not be used in determining an individual’s identity. If I am to use any Nationality factors in my investigation, then perhaps I should look at some of the more obvious ones: the daughter and son were adopted at different times by different families, both of which would seem to indicate a person with more than one parent at birth. Additionally, Dana has two step-children and a grandchild whom all are listed as Nationality in the records I looked at. So maybe a little common sense goes a long way in this investigation of the question: is Dana Wilson American?

At this point I only have suspicions and can only go on the information given to me by my partner. As much as I would like to believe that my partner is totally honest with me about his intentions for me or the children, he is very careful about how he answers these inquiries because he wants to protect me as much as he does. I have learned to simply trust him on his word when he tells me something. We are lucky to live in a time where infidelity is dealt with in a mature and responsible manner, but it is still sad when you lose a partner over infidelity.
