Is Caroline Thomas a Celebrity?


Caroline Thomas is a British national who has won many national titles, and is the current British Champion. She was born in Grenada, where her parents were both teachers, and moved to England when she was very young. She has claimed that as a child, she always dreamed of being a celebrity like celebrities such as Princess Diana and has also claimed that her Nationality is American, but this could not be completely true as her birth certificate from Grenada does not bear her name.

There are many things that separate Caroline from her contemporaries. First of all, it must be said that being a Celebrity, with a very high price to pay, does not automatically translate into being successful, as Caroline failed to live up to the expectations of her numerous peers, who also starched themselves in the same glamorous field as her. Another significant difference between her contemporaries is that she never gave up. As a model and actress, she has tried out many different careers and has always remained committed to them, even when other opportunities have presented themselves. Lastly, it must also be said that her height is a hindrance, as she is actually very short, despite being the same height as her peers.

So, what does fame do for you? Does it give you confidence or help you build your self-esteem? The answer to that is no, as fame does not bring with it any assurance or the assurance of success in life, and can in fact be a hindrance to building a successful career. While many women may find themselves idolised by their famous friends and family members, Caroline Thomas’ case highlights the need for women to look outside of that circle and work hard, both in and outside of the celebrity world.
