Is Ashley Lawrence Black?


Ashley Lawrence is an American actress, visual artist, and stand-up comic. She first made her movie debut in 1987 in the independent horror film Hellraiser, as the main role, Kirsty Cotton, opposite Steve McQueen. Her more recent films include The Devil’s Advocate, Edward Scissorhands, The Perfect Score, and Zoolander – which saw her receive an Academy Award for her contribution to the movie. She is also known for her numerous stand-up comedy appearances, including such notable examples as The Perks of Being Rich, Cats, Baby Mama, Edward Scissorhands, Mulan, Zoolander, Edward, Grosse Point Pendants, and finally, Bridesmaids.

Ashley’s height and nationality are factors that may serve as a springboard for her career, but she has never had an acting career prior to this one, nor did she begin to build one until The Perks of Being Rich. She was an attractive, petite woman who enjoyed playing the part of the sultry, sexy older woman in the independent films that were popular at the time. These roles saw her remain in the spotlight for quite a while – a feat that not all actresses can make happen. This lengthy period allowed her to build a body of work that would see her nominated for Academy Awards and win critical acclaim – most notably for her performance as Holly Golightly in the film Bridesmaids.

Ashley’s nationality may serve as a factor behind her working style and, by extension, the types of roles she chooses to take on. Despite being of Asian descent, she has always presented herself as English, even when it is not entirely true. Her ethnicity may be a part of the image she projects, but it is also part of her appeal – and in that sense, her career path has been a success. As her career moves forward, we will no doubt continue to appreciate her beauty and her charm. Her acting prowess and commitment to her fans have earned her the admiration of many, and her longevity has afforded her the choice of exploring various types of roles in a variety of mediums.
