Is Angelica Frausto the Next Diversity Director at Google?


New Community Development Director. Date: January 23, 2021; Previously served as Director of Corporate Relations in the same city. Ms. Angelica Frausto is an experienced entrepreneur and community development professional with a passion for helping people do more. This experience will supplement her role as director of community development for the City of Rosemead and will bolster her chances of landing a position at Google.

Angelica Frausto stands at an impressive height of the mantel-high, at seventy-one years old. Her title as Community Development Director at the City of Rosemead speaks for itself: she has held numerous leadership roles in the past, ranging from Vice President of the LA Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce to Senior Vice President for Government Relations at the California State University at Northridge. She has also served as communications director for the City of Los Angeles and held senior positions at the Metro Transportation Authority and the LA County Metro Board. Additionally, she served as communications director for the California State University at Northridge. These experiences all lend herself well to building a career in community development, and this should be no doubt a strong consideration for any professional seeking such a position.

One trait that sets Ms. Frausto apart from the pack is her enthusiasm for her work. As a private business owner, she has pursued several different ventures, and she enjoys the diverse array of challenges that her various ventures present. She is passionate about the impact that she’s making on people, and the impact that she hopes to continue making on all those who come into her life. If you are ready to make a positive impact on the world around you and your fellow human beings, and if you possess the qualities described above, you might just have what it takes to become the next Angelica Frausto.
