Interview With Giulia Bertelli


Giulia Bertelli is the Director of Communications for the National Diversity Officers Association (NDO). Within the NDO, Giulia is the Assistant National Manager for Diversity and Equity. Since becoming an entrepreneur, she has grown her business, called Partner One, from a small family owned hardware distributor to a giant that serves over thirty-five thousand companies globally. She has traveled the world meeting with other executives of large and small companies to help them identify their greatest workplace diversity opportunities and implement change. Since becoming the first woman Executive Director of an international Diversity and Employment Group, she has continued in her efforts to help other divers at all levels.

It is important that diversity remains a priority in the work force and that there are steps being taken to increase the number of women at all levels in all industries. It is not enough to say that a person is a member of a protected class. We must be sure that they have what it takes to succeed within the company and that their position is one that is compensated fairly. The National Diversity Officers Association (NDO) can help ensure that senior managers understand that having an executive with an ethnic background and/or gender can be a key ingredient in getting top results for their company. Giulia Bertelliโ€™s platform promotes new leadership initiatives, such as an initiative by the U.S. largest non-profit organization focused on increasing the number of women of color in management roles at Fortune 500 companies by 20 percent by the year 2021.

If you are considering a future in the field of diversity, or if you would like to see changes in how you are perceived in the office, it is important to make your views known. Giulia Bertelli understands the importance of building relationships with other key players in your industry. She is open and helpful with feedback and looks forward to any comments you may have. You will learn a lot about a particular organization and the people who run it by asking Giulia Bertelli questions about her experiences as an entrepreneur and a manager. As you move toward your future as a manager, it will be important to follow her example.
