Interracial Dating In Brasil


Erika Figabomba is a Brazilian national who has been modeling since the early eighties. She rose to prominence in the world of fashion, lingerie, and advertising, and has appeared in many well-known and well received films, as well as TV shows, commercial campaigns, as well as numerous photo shoots. She is originally from the favela-rich city of Sintra do Guincho, in Southeastern Brazil. There she honed her skills as a model and went on to become one of the best known and most successful models from her country. Recently, Erika Figabomba has ventured into the realm of Internet dating and has found a great number of admirers.

I first came across Erika Figabomba through a friend. She was telling me about her background, and I was intrigued by it. The fact that she was working in an advertising agency, and had grown up in a low-income neighbourhood made it even more intriguing, given the fact that I am fairly certain I would have struggled to get that kind of position in any big company. Besides that, there’s not much difference in the average income among Brazilian families compared to our own in the UK – and certainly no huge cultural gaps to speak of. All we needed was someone to understand our needs and help us find a solution. That was exactly what Erika Figabomba did for me.

We first met at a coffee shop in Sintra and went on to talk in Portuguese, while drinking green tea and drinking her second cup of day. We chatted for ninety minutes and then met up again for another coffee at the local cafe. We talked about everything from our childhoods to our current relationships and became quite close friends over the following two weeks. From this point on, Erika always confided in me, and it was clear from the way she explained things that she was happy to be dating me, and that she fancied a relationship with me. Eventually, after going on three dates in total, Erika and I got to know each other just as well as if we’d been dating for an extended period in the UK, and she told me that I was a good guy to get into a relationship with because I was gentle to her, and she could always tell that I enjoyed her company.
