Interesting Facts About the Mismatch Fashion Trend


The Mismatch fashion trend is all about mixing and matching, and most definitely on the clothes. It started many years ago, back in the fifties with pin-up girls, but has taken a more modern twist with both young and old. If you’ve never seen anyone do it before, it can at first be quite shocking to see how differently two people’s clothes look. While that can be quite overwhelming at first, if done with a certain level of restraint and awareness, it can be very fun and even endearing.

The Mismatch fashion trend started in large department stores like Nordstrom, Victoria’s Secret and Macy’s, where the sales clerks would match the shoes and accessories of two different individuals or couples. It was a great way for people to find similar clothing; something that would not be able to be found easily. The mismatched items were then often displayed together on a hanger to be seen. Eventually this became an in-store concept and was implemented at many other retail establishments, including K-Mart, Sears and JC Penny’s.

Although there are people who are into this trend, it isn’t very popular with the younger generations of today. Many younger people are tired of having to change their clothes and other accessories so frequently, especially with the many technologies that exist today. For this reason, the Mismatch fashion trend is not very popular among them. However, there are still those who enjoy it; especially since they can wear it while they’re traveling or wherever they may go. Since most of the items in this type of clothing are inexpensive, they are great for budget-minded individuals who want to have different clothing items but aren’t concerned about spending a lot of money. It is a great idea for people who just don’t want to feel limited when it comes to expressing themselves.
