Ingrid Luquet-Gad & Maximilian Fucci – Resurrecting Your Marriage


Ingrid Luquet-Gad is the latest of a line of fashion blogs from Ingrid and her partner, Maximilian Fucci. It is more of an advice blog than anything else, but it does deal with what happens after one thirty-year marriage ends. For Ingrid and Maximilian it was definitely a success, as they announced their fifteen year anniversary last month. For anyone who doesn’t know them (or haven’t read much of their material), Ingrid and Maximilian are people with a knack for finding clothes that are both unique and modern. Their blog is full of good ideas on how to get creative in your wardrobe, and it’s not just the clothes that they sell either; there’s also a section dedicated to helping you with your personal style.

Ingrid and Maximilian are not just people who have ended a marriage, or people who are living in their thirties; they are people who have been married twice, and are in their early twenties. The new age of fashion has allowed these two to enter into the twenty-first century of working with their hands in their careers. They have achieved this not by abandoning their past, but by reinventing it. Ingrid started out as a secretary and then worked in various clothing retail and design capacities before she found herself with her own blog, where she shares her knowledge and her passions for fashion. Her passions seem to run deep with a passion for social issues, which she seems to really get herself involved with.

So, if you’re looking for a new profession or lifestyle, then this may be a blog that you want to look at. If you love the idea of helping other people find fashionable clothes that are of good quality, then maybe it’s time to try something new. Ingrid and Maximilian will definitely make you look great!
