Information About the Partner, Caroline Trentini


Caroline Trentini, also known as Bianca Jagger, is an American singer, songwriter, actress, and model. She has been married to actor Nick Lachey since 1974 and they have two children. She rose to fame in the early seventies with her hit album Rock and Roll Night. She achieved considerable success throughout the eighties with such hits as “Love is in the air”, “I don’t smoke anymore”, “Who’s that Lady” and “Happening”.

Role of a Partner differs little from that of an endorser or spokesperson, in that the role involves identifying, promoting, and selling an established product. In this case, however, the product belongs to a company that markets and manufactures beauty products. The product is intended for women of all ages and with different nationalities. In this capacity, it acts much like a spokesperson, except that instead of wearing the product, as in the case of celebrities, you are the one wearing it. For the record, Ms. Trentini does not wear her own clothing but she is rather featured as the face of the brand in commercials, on posters, in catalogs, in music videos, on television, and so on.

In a nutshell, her official website and biography provide very little information regarding her personal life. There is, however, much that is personal about her family, her roots, her upbringing in Brooklyn, her fashion inspirations, and so on. I believe, however, that the lack of information may be intentional. Perhaps, if given the opportunity, she would reveal her true identity as a beautiful, successful, and interesting woman. However, given her public persona of being a partner, it is not surprising to see that she does not like to be the center of focus, even though that is precisely what she is. All in all, it appears that she is content being a face, rather than the center of fashion.
