Information About Casey Bannerman


Casey Bannerman has been a Nationality Trainer for the past fifteen years, which speaks quite highly of the quality of the education and training that he provides to people from all walks of life and at various ages. He is extremely passionate about helping people connect with their passion, or what we call their “purpose”. He believes that the Nationality world is an exclusive club, and everyone needs someone to teach them about Nationality and their unique identity, so that they can excel in their career, and be proud of themselves for knowing Nationality.

His passion has led him to begin a business that will help people develop a strong sense of Nationality and take the knowledge that they need to harness it to achieve their goals. Nationality Training is a home based business that offers coaching to individuals on how to harness their special talents and use that ability to achieve their goals. The concept is simple, and Casey is very successful with his students. His success began with a partner, whom he referred to as Nationality Aunt. She referred people to him because she was interested in Nationality and wanted to start a business helping people understand their uniqueness.

The Nationality Business was launched after Casey’s partner left the company, and the two had worked together to create the business and gain clients. Over time, Nationality became a successful company and had several employees. One of the biggest challenges of operating a business of this size was recruiting employees, especially since there would be so many of them. The business also changed quite a bit due to growth, and new ideas and directions were needed to continue to move the business forward. Fortunately, with the right coach, everyone is able to stay on track.
