Industrial Revolution Fashion Trends


Industrial Revolution Fashion Trends

The Industrial Revolution marked the coming of age of the new industrial age and this fashion is what helped men to move out from among the limitations of life as they were able to work comfortably in a new environment. The industrial revolution gave the opportunity to everyone to design their own clothing, thanks to technical improvements made in textile production. The tailors and the makers could now design and create their clothes themselves and no longer had to rely on tailors to provide them with materials and fabrics for their work. Women and men alike now had the opportunity to make fashion decisions on their own and choose from a wide range of designs. However, it was not easy for women because they were usually expected to stay at home, where they would care for their children, cook and sew. Thanks to the industrial revolution, women’s clothing industry began to grow and more women took up part in the process.

However, the Industrial Revolution didn’t only benefit women as it extended to men as well. Men also got the opportunity to experiment with different kinds of clothing and the tailors and the makers were no longer required to provide them with materials and fabrics. In fact, some shops were even started to cater to men’s needs as they began to experiment with new fashions. This was the reason why the industrial revolution marked the beginning of the fashion boom in England. The new materials and fabrics allowed men to experiment with all kinds of clothing and one of these garments was the shirt.

As men and women both started to experiment with clothing, the clothing industry started to expand as more people became interested in this fashion trend. The clothing that was created during the Industrial Revolution had designs that were different from those of the previous years. For instance, the latter had been composed mainly of linen and cotton as well as other materials that were cheaper to use. On the other hand, the earlier period of fashion had clothing that had rough and tough fabrics.
