Iconic Fashion Trends of the 2000s


Memorable fashion trends of the 2000s certainly left people who experienced those years divided; some hating the trend while others couldn’t help but fall in love with it. Some of the most notable cringe-worthy fashions of that decade were platform shoes, low rise jeans, Crocs, low-cut dresses worn above tight jeans, and big, highlighted hair. Yes, these fashions still exist, but they’re not nearly as cool or “hip” as they were a decade ago.

Still, even if fashions from the last decade aren’t quite as popular as they were when they were first introduced, there is still one trend that’s simply timeless. Ethnic fashion has always been popular, yet many of its followers have been considered fashionable for more than one decade. Ethnic fashion trends tend to be very versatile and allow a woman to wear traditional clothes while still looking absolutely modern and ethnic.

Ethnic fashion isn’t always about clothing. In fact, some fashion gurus consider clothes and dresses to be the most important aspect of an ethnic outfit. No matter what, if you’re going to wear an outfit that says you’re from the ethnic group that has given humanity shelter for centuries, you’ll want to make sure that your clothes are timeless in their appearance. Ethnic fashion trends don’t come and go like other fashions do; if you don’t look good in your clothes, you’re not going to look good in the rest of your ensemble, either. Don’t just trust the trendy labels, but instead trust the clothes that look best on you, which are made with respect for what the ancient Egyptians might have known was real value when they brought mankind such comfort and beauty into this world.
