How Would You Define Your Work and Style?


How Would You Define Your Work and Style?

If you observe the repeating fashion trends from one decade to another, you can easily guess which fashion style will be back for the next decade. This seems to be a natural conclusion if you consider that fashion style was the “hot” fashion style for a decade, then went into a slump and came back, only to go back into a hot fashion style again. So, with the “repetition” fashion style in fashion, what does that mean for you? In many ways it means that just because one fashion style is popular, doesn’t mean that you can jump on the bandwagon and copy the looks from that style, however it also may mean that this fashion style will never completely go out of style, as people may simply choose to adapt their own style instead of totally ignoring the trend. However, one thing is for certain, when the “repetition” fashion style comes back, as it inevitably does, more frequently than not it will be a somewhat altered version of the style that was in style the last time it was “in.”

What does this have to do with fashion industry prediction? Well, if you take the idea of the fashion industry and predict what it would look like if everyone were to copy everyone else’s look, you would see a lot of similarities between the past trends and the present. So, if this simple rule of repeating fashion trends was to be observed, it can only be expected that within the next decade, it would almost be 80’s fashion again, namely the punk fashion style, which would once again make a strong return, and in fact it has already started to make a strong return to the fashion industry. This would mean that even if you thought that the fashion industry hasn’t really changed all that much over the past decade, if you observe the current trends and you see a few key similarities, then it almost certainly has.

So, is this the end of fashion as we know it? No, Fashion Week will always have a place in the fashion world, and its influence on the way that we dress and our personal style will never be erased completely. However, for the next 10 years, we may see a lot of variation in the fashion styles that we adopt and implement. In fact, the new trends that are making the rounds right now are bound to have their own fans and followers, just like the old fashion week fashions, and will continue to have an influence on our fashion styles for many more years to come.
