How to Write About Fashion Trends


If you have an interest in how to write about fashion trends then you would be better off choosing topics that relate directly to the latest styles in this unpredictable fashion arena. A lot of people assume that a fashion article must be about the latest dresses and shoes or what everybody is wearing to suit their fancy but fashion articles should actually tackle more on topics that you can use for future articles. Some examples of such subjects are new trends in accessories like bracelets and necklaces, new trends in hairstyles, etc. It’s really up to you if you want to discuss one of these subjects or all of them, it’s totally up to you.

How to Write about Fashion Trends When you are looking at your favorite fashion magazines and observing the features of the latest fashion outfits, it’s easy to get carried away by how the models are wearing the outfits. It’s easy to compare their looks with what you think is a beautiful and classic outfit and end up recommending that you buy one similar to theirs. But you shouldn’t do this – it’s not a fashion article after all, and you’re more than likely thinking along the lines of a fashion article. Instead, how to write about fashion trends should be based on two things: what you saw in the models and how you personally feel about the outfit. You can easily start by asking yourself questions that will help you determine what kind of outfit you would choose to wear to match the latest trends.

For instance, have you noticed how many celebrities are choosing to go barefoot (i.e. without wearing any makeup) on the red carpets? This is a trend that has been going on for several years now but there hasn’t been a big mainstream media splash about it until recently. So, how to write about trends in this situation? Based on what you’ve observed from watching the fashion world at large, it’s safe to assume that these celebrities feel comfortable in bare feet. While it’s impossible to know whether they choose this because of religious reasons or other personal beliefs, what’s clear is that celebrities are expressing this comfortable, in bare feet side of fashion in order to draw attention to the bare feet trend.
