Chukka boots are tall, ankle-high leather ankle boots with suede, rubber or leather uppers and open laces, either with two or three pairs of toelets. The word chukka perhaps comes from the sport of polo, whereby a chukka is usually an official period of sport. Some people who would like to purchase a pair of these shoes must first understand what the characteristics of these footwear are. These shoes have been traditionally made in solid form, but nowadays there are some that come in boneless form, which has become more popular these days.
This type of shoes usually have high heels with pointed toes and also come in either black or white. Some would think that wearing a plain t-shirt is okay when wearing a pair of chukka boots, but this is not always the case. Since they come with a high heel and if you are wearing a plain t-shirt, it could be a little uncomfortable since the pointed tip of the shoe will be resting on your plain t-shirtโs collar. Hence, you must consider other ways of putting your shirt on so you wonโt have your feet hurt after wearing these shoes. If you donโt want your shirt to show your socks then you can put your socks underneath it, and if you want to wear a skirt or a pair of shorts, then tuck your pants into your shirt so the shoes wonโt show.
There are lots of styles and designs of these leather boots that you can choose from. One example of these styles include the gladiator sandals that come in either black or white. These are also paired with tight jeans. You can also get these shoes in other colors such as purple, pink, turquoise, yellow, blue, and green. Some of the sandals even come in designs such as animal prints, stripes, and solids. As long as you know the style and design of your choice then youโll be able to match it with any outfit.