How to Wash Your Disposable Garden Crew Socks


This article is about how we used to take out our darn tough socks in the laundry mat, line them up and go to work. We’d tuck them in a little further, add a few layers and then some more until we finally had them nice and full and ready for a good night’s sleep. Those nights invariably involved us being on the go and not having the time or energy to iron our socks, so we’d just pile them up in the laundry and go to bed. The only problem with this method was that when it came to the morning, those damn socks were either soiled or crumpled and the rest of us looking at our feet was never a pretty sight. So we did what needed to be done in order to protect our feet and look great as we woke up.

Enter the ultra-light hiking socks review from Vibram which includes some tips on how to avoid some of the worst problems that can arise while hiking in damp conditions. First off, you need to make sure your socks are dry before putting them away. If they’re damp or wet, even minimally, they will absorb water and become soggy and slimy. This is why we’ve included a quick step by step guide on how to do this for a simple transition from our regular socks to our hiking socks.

Now, you want to avoid washing your pants with the Vibram fabric cleaner as well, which has similar results. The best thing we have found is adding a bit of bleach to our regular garden crew light sock and doing away with the rest. This has been a great method to use when trying to get the stain out and to also keep our super-soft socks looking great for longer. You can use vinegar to get rid of stains or you can use our favorite super-soft product which is called Ulersi Super Soft sock but be aware that Ulersi is heavy duty and you will likely be able to only wear it for short periods of time before they begin to wear thin.
