How to Use Regia Sock Yarn For Making Really Good Fashion Socks


How to Use Regia Sock Yarn For Making Really Good Fashion Socks

Regia sock yarn has many amazing qualities that make it a really great yarn for making socks. It’s extremely durable, cool to the touch and quick to dry (even when you wash it). However, there are a few things that are good to know about this great yarn before you buy it and start making socks.

Let’s start with one of the most important things to know about Regia sock yarn: the yarn is knitted by pulling the two pieces of yarn together. The yarn is then cut into long strips so that you can tie the strip together. There are three ways that you can do this: straight through (the yarn is cut from long strips), using a seed stitch and a slip stitch (which produces a loop). So, to pull your yarn through, you’ll just pull one end of the strip through the other end, like a rope. To cut the yarn into short lengths, just cut the long strips crosswise and then cut the yarn half way through. And to keep the strips in place, simply twist them a little bit!

Once you’ve made your socks, let them air dry in the air. If you want your socks to last longer, you need to keep them out of the heat of the sun. You can do this by putting your socks in an airtight bag or sock box and leaving them out in the cold. It helps if you put them in a dark cupboard or basement where they will stay dry and cool and the sunlight won’t shine through the windows. This will also protect your feet and legs from damage and give your socks a little bit of time to breathe.
