How to Stretch Boots


How to Stretch Boots

You have decided that now is the best time to try out how to stretch boots. Before you get started, it is a good idea to read on the different methods of stretching available and how they can be useful to you. There are some very simple methods of stretching available which can be done in the comfort of your own home and can help you increase the length and girth of your new boots with ease. Using a leather moisturizer (also for sale online and in most major stores) helps keep the leather moisturized, waterproofs the boots and also softens the natural leather to make stretching easier. Stretching the boot first, then breaking the heel of the boot and then stretching the middle before moving on to the other areas should be done in order to stretch out as much as possible without causing any pain to yourself. Once you reach home, you should rinse off any excess moisturizing from the boots to ensure they dry fast.

If you want to wear them every day then there is no need to take special care of the boots and you will find them looking great in a matter of days. Stretching the boots is an easy and safe way to make the perfect pair of boots look great without having to spend hours at the salon. When you want to wear the boots you just slip them over your feet, put your socks on and walk around the house in them for a few minutes and they will be ready for use.

Before using a leather moisturizer or leather oil conditioner be sure to thoroughly read the instructions as they will tell you exactly how to use them to achieve the best results. It is important not to use too much of either product as the excess may cause some damage to the boots. You need to use the products in small amounts over a period of time so that the leather is properly moisturized and allowed to soak in. To help the boots dry out faster, it is recommended that you use a hair dryer to speed up the process. Once the leather is completely moisturized then you can begin stretching the boots.
