How To Spot Cuban Fashion Trends


Cuban designers have brought their unique designs to the global market and along with the popularity of Cuban cigars, clothing is a huge part of this fresh and varied culture. Cubans have always been very particular about every aspect of their life and the clothing is no different. In fact, it has been one of the few countries in the world that has maintained their national dress code, a hundred years after it was first introduced. The following paragraphs will give you an insight into the vast array of clothing available throughout Cuba.

Cuban menโ€™s clothing includes a wide variety of work wear such as blouses, trousers and jackets and the womenโ€™s clothing ranges from peasant outfits to high heeled shoes. Cuban womenโ€™s attire tends towards more sensible fabrics and colors, and they also tend to be more relaxed than western women. Cuban menโ€™s clothing can be purchased from many private sellers or they can be purchased through popular online vendors such as Amazon. Some sellers charge a little higher rates for certain items, but there are some that sell complete sets. For example, you can buy shoes, socks, jackets and underwear in one package, all coordinated by color and design. In the more rural areas of Cuba, the traditional attire is quite similar despite the different ethnic backgrounds, and both are worn for practical reasons, such as work or school.

Cuban men and women have a huge selection of items designed specifically for them including watches, cuff links, sports gear, hats, bags, jewelry, scarves and more. Cubans tend to favor simple and elegant clothing items, especially the ones made of native materials and with plain or block-shaped patterns and colors. Accessories are very important in Cuba, and an accessory such as a silver bracelet or a beautiful pair of earrings completes your total look. The Cuban fashion trend is all about mixing and matching clothing so that it looks fresh and new rather than being stuck to one style, which is also common for many other countries.
