How to Shine Boots: Getting the Shine Your Feet Ought to See


It will always be more difficult to shine newly purchased boots than it is to shine older ones which you have owned for several years. If you know how to shine them however, you can do so much more to protect your investment and to increase their lifespan. Even though you are already an experienced veteran to know how to shine boots, even after breaking in the first few pairs of boots you own, the fact that they have not been thoroughly broken in still means that some leather pores are still visible.

If you have a way to hide those visible pores, the question of how to shine boots becomes easier to answer. The answer begins with you knowing how to properly treat the leather first. If you just throw your boot into the washing machine without treating it with any kind of protective oil or shoe cleaning fluid first, it is highly likely that it will end up stained or damaged regardless of the manufacturer’s claim. One way to protect your boots is by rubbing them with a suede brush while you are storing them inside of a plastic bag. This brushing should include stretching the boot as well so that all of the folds and creases in the material are treated evenly.

After you have properly prepped your boots to ensure that they are ready to be cleaned, you will need to treat them with some conditioner. One way to use conditioner on leather is to dip a clean, damp sponge into a bottle of vinegar and rub the mixture into the material using the appropriate side to avoid staining the leather. Once the conditioner has soaked the material, you can use a clean rag or cotton balls dipped into the vinegar to wipe away any excess conditioner before wiping the rag clean. Once you have finished the proper treatment, it is time to put your footwear back into the plastic bag and store it for the season.
