How to Select a Fernanda Selfie?


Fernanda Selfie is a new product for those of you who want to be in the latest trend of wearing accessories and high-fashion items in order to make a statement about one’s personality, gender and even nationality. The Fernanda Selfie can be used to prove one’s nationality or race. It is a high fashion photo frame designed especially for the individual who wants to make a great impact on all corners of the world by simply using this item. It is very important to select the right photograph to be used in order to create the Selfie. There are some guidelines that one should consider while choosing a photograph. Some of the factors that one has to keep in mind are: the color of the Selfie, the clarity of the image, the proportion of the body, the facial features and the facial expressions.

When it comes to age, there is no restriction. The Selfie can be worn by any person regardless of their age, sex or nationality. The photograph that is used for the Selfie can be chosen from the company’s portfolio which contains photos taken by all of its professional photographers or a family photo. One can also select a photograph that has special meaning for the person such as his/her graduation, wedding, winning a competition and many other significant events in the life of the customer.

It is necessary to take into consideration the color of the Selfie. While selecting a color for the Selfie, it is important to choose a color that is neutral and matches with the skin tone of the person wearing it. Once the color of the photo is selected, the background color of the photo should also match the color of the photo. A good way to choose a background for the photograph is to use a lighter color that is similar to the color of the photograph. For example, if a person is wearing a red dress, one can place the photo of that person in front of a light pink background; or if he/she is wearing a blue dress, a photo of that person in front of a light blue background will look very attractive.
