How to Make Money Online With Angelica Song


College Magazine: You can make money online in so many ways, but what inspired you to begin building a social networking brand on YouTube and creating video content such as Tik Tok & YouTube videos? Angelica Song: Well, I’ve always had an eye for assisting students in all aspects of education from high school on up. This has lead me to many great opportunities since I began working with high school students a few years ago. I’ve tried my best to help all manner of people from all walks of life from all cultures and all income levels.

College Mag: In the beginning of your career as an entrepreneur, what made you decide that you were going to start building a social media presence on YouTube? Angelica Song: Well, I really didn’t have any particular reason, other than my love of educating others and wanting to help others achieve their goals. It wasn’t until I had started working as an assistant to a rap song composer, did I really get into it. I was also taking classes at the local community college when I got a phone call from my guidance counselor, asking me to come to the University of Washington, Seattle to do a social media course, which was an awesome idea, because I would get to help more people by simply spreading awareness about a great program that was started by someone very passionate about music, mentoring students, teaching students about teamwork and uplifting students’ spirits.

So, basically I went to college, did the required classes, got my degree, worked as a music technician for over 3 years, then pursued my music degree at Umea University in Sweden. Through that whole process, I realized that I needed to make money online doing something that I was really interested in. Angelica Song is the first song that I have ever sung, which is a blessing in itself, because it taught me the importance of uplifting others spirits and teaching them how to reach their full potential by taking a positive attitude towards life and learning from somebody who had gone through the exact same situation that I found myself in a few months back.
