How to Get Tall – Can Losing Weight Help?


Recently, Dana Alexa, the top rank of the “Age ofcons” website was challenged by her competitor Victoria Beckham, because she was wearing a g-string maternity dress that did not allow for proper posture while walking. Despite the fact that Dana was only 30 inches tall and 4 feet 7 inches in height, Ms. Alexa presented her case to the world as an authority, stating that the dress which did not allow for correct posture, caused her to get tired and exhausted quickly during the day. But Ms. Alexa did not take into consideration the fact that being pregnant does not only mean carrying extra weight or needing to get taller. It also means that you need to look at your height, your nationality, and whether or not you would be happy or even able to wear that particular g-string maternity dress again.

If you are from a nationality that is known for having relatively short height averages, you may think that it is perfectly fine to grow even shorter, but if you are from a nationality that is notorious for their tall nationalities, it is probably not a great idea to get even shorter. In fact, all nationalities are almost always associated with hard work, because those people have to deal with so much more responsibility and pride in themselves than shorter nationalities. A short height, is often viewed as a weakness and something that can be hidden, whereas a very tall height is often looked upon as a strength and a sign of success. You may be wondering how this plays out exactly, but it basically comes down to a simple principle of physics.

If you go into a restaurant, everyone will give you a serving size. If you are standing up to order another drink, someone will hand you a glass. The reason why it works this way is because the longer you stay tall, the less people will tip you, and the less service they will provide you. When you are shorter, the opposite tends to be true. Therefore, if you are trying to get taller, it is highly recommended that you invest in a pair of height-increasing pants and perhaps a g-string or two, so you can stand up tall and proud in the right way.
