How to Clean Suede Boots


How to clean suede boots with ease, can be achieved by following some simple steps, ensuring that you protect your investment. If you have just suede boots, or plan on wearing them again, then you will no doubt want to get rid of any stains that may have formed on them. You can achieve this by either hand, or with the help of a suede cleaning product. For minor spots and scuff marks, you may be able to learn how to clean suede products at home, with the following easy methods. The type of suede cleaning product you use should be chosen in accordance with the type of surface that has been treated, as there are several types to choose from.

When you are using your suede products, it’s essential that you carefully store them, away from direct heat, moisture and light, as these elements can cause the leather to crack or break down. To protect the suede boots that you are planning on wearing, make sure you use a spray bottle full of a shoe tree conditioner once you have finished applying them to the boots. This shoe tree conditioner will help protect the suede boots, keeping them in good condition. One of the easiest methods for how to clean suede boots is by using a toothbrush, but bear in mind that suede is a delicate material, and a small mistake, such as using too much pressure, can mean that your boots become ruined. Also, never scrub the boots whilst they are still wet, and if suede boots are stored for long periods of time, then be aware that the suede can become stiff and scratchy, leading to an accumulation of bacteria and sweat which can also damage the boots.

If suede boots have taken some time to develop an odor from being stored in an area where it has experienced a lot of wear and tear, then the first thing to try is applying a suede brush with the appropriate cleaning agent. Using a suede brush with a suitable cleaning agent can remove the scuff marks and help restore the original shine, allowing you to go without wearing the scuffs for a while. It’s important that when you are learning how to clean suede boots, you do not rub the leather, but only to apply gentle pressure over it, either with a suede brush your bare hands or a shoe brush. Do not rub vigorously, or else the suede could take on a stained or dingy appearance. Rubbing can also lead to water spots forming on the suede, so always wipe the spot down with a dry cloth.
