How to Change a T Shirt Into a Cropped Dress Top


You will find some people will be adamant on how to change a tshirt into a crop top, and there are also those that think that fashion should come before comfort. For both types of individuals, fashion is important, but comfort needs to be the last priority. The following tips are meant as a general guideline of how to change a tshirt into a crop top with minimal effort. With proper care you should be able to achieve the same results as well.

When you are ready to learn how to change a tshirt into a crop top, start by wearing a dress shirt with your pants unzipped. Lay the shirt flat, and then zip the pants up around the waistline. To change this into a pantsuit, simply zip the shirt up over your dress shirt. Remember that it is always easier to have the dress shirt on the wearer rather than in their hands, so always allow yourself ample time to change into your pants.

In order to change a tshirt into a dress shirt that fits properly, ensure that the shirt has been washed in a gentle cycle with bleach or detergent specifically designed for washing clothes. Dry the dress shirt out carefully with no wrinkles or creases. With the dress shirt on, try on the top with the remaining material held in place by Velcro. If you find that the shirt is too tight, adjust the Velcro to loosen a small amount. For the bottom, simply roll the bottom hem of the shirt up to the collar line; this should allow you to change a tshirt into a crop top in a matter of minutes.
