How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of the Nationality Ruse


Maria Erke is a German National with dual citizenship. Born in Munich, Maria was identified as a German by the Nazis and thus prevented from gaining access to America when she went abroad to study. Today she is a US citizen and has been in marriage since 1984 with an American citizen. Her official title is Nationality, but she identifies as a German by birth and has been described as a Pole by others.

Maria’s story is an intriguing example of how certain nationalities can use their birthright to misrepresent themselves and create an entirely different identity for themselves in order to pursue a career that may not have suited them in the beginning. Maria is interesting in that she began a profession that required an advanced degree and a Master’s degree, yet she pursued it as if it were a casual hobby. She married a man who served in the armed forces and traveled to a foreign country where her husband carried out his business and she masqueraded as a German. This ruse lasted two decades until the truth became exposed and Maria was revealed as a false Nationality.

It appears that Maria was not the first or only victim of this ruse. Many women who married Germans posing as Germans did not realize that they were actually working against Germany’s interests and committed suicide as a consequence. It is impossible to assess whether or not other Nationality marriages were foiled by such a ruse but the fact remains that no woman seeking to obtain a PhD should risk death to do so. For many reasons the con game involving Nationality or immigration status plays an important part in the ongoing problem of racial purity in the West. Without the influx of these immigrants our culture would be considerably poorer and Diversity could never take root.
