How Tall Is Your Average MMA Competitor?


Juliana Prudente is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructor and world Jiu-Jitsu black belt. She is also a professional wrestler in the UFC, however she states that she prefers to be a BJJ practitioner first before competing in MMA or the UFC. This is evident in her online profile wherein she boasts about her 6′ 1″ tall and athletic build. It seems as if she is proud of her height and likes to brag about her accomplishments.

The first notable feature of Juliana Prudente’s profile is her apparent height and physique. Being a professional wrestler for the better part of a decade, it would be much of a surprise for any woman who reads this to find that she is much shorter than the average female wrestler. In the above photo of Juliana, it seems as though the majority of her torso is covered by her uniform. If there is a lot of muscle in that area, that could also explain why she looks so much taller than the rest of the women in the photo. Overall, it seems like she fits the mold of a good BJJ player and has the physique to match.

Height and being tall in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are not always a good thing in and of themselves. However, when combined with a winning attitude and a winning personality, it can go a long way towards helping you achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. If there is one thing that stands out about Juliana’s online profile is her willingness to share her BJJ credentials with her online partner. While this does not necessarily mean that she has trained with Roger Gracie, it does help to indicate her seriousness about her profession and her desire to be as much taller as possible in MMA.
