How Tall Is Giulia Guerrini?


Hello, Ladies and Gentleman, Giulia Guerrini a professional model and a professional person who is married to an American citizen and have dual citizenship; born in Bari on the Italian Coast of Italy and now residing in Manhattan, New York. Giulia Guerrini was an assistant to Mario Costanelli when he was a famous Italian television personality and has gone on to pursue her modeling career in several countries and in every continent, including the United States. She is also an accomplished baker and a talented singer song writer. Born and raised in Pienza as an Italian national, she has always maintained her Italian nationality and has always had the urge to return to her homeland where her heart belongs. Her passport was stolen while crossing the Mediterranean Sea by a criminal who wanted to flee to Italy and now she is trying to get back to her homeland to clear her name from this crime which could have ruined her opportunities in the modeling industry in the United States and in Europe.

Real Name: Giulia Guerrini, professionally known as Giula Guerrini, she is a legal citizen of Italy and has been given citizenship by the United States. Birthplace: Pienza, Italy. Profession: Modeling. Height: sixty-three inches; weights: 120 pounds. Education: University of Genoa, Bologna, marketing degree.

Giulia Guerrini has used her height and looks in order to gain access to modeling opportunities in the United States and throughout the world. However, when one sees Giulia Guerrini on the runways, she appears even shorter than her real age, which according to records shows that she is in fact eighty-one years old. Some sources have reported that she has used height and looks to gain opportunities that are unavailable to women of her stature in the modeling industry. However, other sources have reported that this is a myth and that Giulia Guerrini is actually just an average looking woman who have chosen to use her height and beauty to help gain the attention of many men and to be successful in the business of modeling.
